Secondary Care

South Devon NHS consortium trials NoemaLife ePrescribing solution

The South Devon consortium of NHS healthcare providers and commissioners, serving around 300,000 people in South West England, has announced a four-week trial of NoemaLife’s electronic prescribing and medicines administration (ePMA) solution, Galileo Medication, on mobile and desktop devices for its member organisations. The NHS network’s move embodies the Wachter Report’s ethos of clinically-driven information systems interoperable across primary, secondary care and patient self-care.

The ePMA test will be run jointly by South Devon and NoemaLife from late November to early in 2017. It will operate across a representative number of clinical and nursing devices and mobile workstations in the consortium’s member NHS organisations. Feedback, whether from staff experiences or data from devices and system workflows, will inform South Devon’s full ePMA solution implementation being carried out by NoemaLife, scheduled for Q1 of next year.

NoemaLife’s Galileo Medication solution will help South Devon’s different NHS organisations to improve patients’ safety and experience. This innovation will simplify and automate administrative processes as well as reducing overall prescribing system costs.