The HTN Awards 2020, sponsored by CCube Solutions, celebrate great technology, partnerships, teams and innovations making a difference across health and care.

Category: Partnership of the Year


Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust

The Portsmouth Technologies Trials Unit (PTTU): transforming the treatment and care of patients through research.

The Portsmouth Technologies Trials Unit (PTTU) is a unique partnership. The unit brings together a rare blend of skills and expertise, working across academia, health care and business to translate technology solutions into clinical research opportunities, accelerating patient access to new medical technologies.


HAS Technology


In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, London ADASS and HAS Technology worked together to repurpose its PAMMS software to enable crucial digital collection and collation of health and social care data to help manage risks on a daily basis across all care settings in its 32 boroughs.

Healthcall Solutions Limited

Health Call and the successful partnership with seven NHS Foundation Trusts in the North East and North Cumbria

Health Call is a 100% NHS-owned Digital Healthtech company working in partnership with seven NHS Foundation Trusts in the North East and North Cumbria. Our products are professionally-led, technically informed, person-centred and evidence-based. We are trusted to implement cost-effective, digital solutions to transform health and care and improve connectivity

NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS)

Creation of a Health and Social Care Cyber Security commercial marketplace to help protect against cyber threats – NHS SBS and NHS Digital.

NHS SBS Digital & IT sourcing team developed a strategic partnership with NHS Digital Data Security Centre (DSC) for a health-specific procurement solution to mitigate against cyber security risks and recovery from incidents. It facilitates commercial arrangements between local organisations and cyber suppliers and complements DSC central services.

Cornwall IT Services

System Wide Digital in Cornwall: Our partnership approach to health and care technology in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our entry is how Cornwall IT Services and our colleagues from Kernow CCG, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve gone from technology push to user pull almost overnight and virtually everyone is saying they never want to go back to the old ways of doing things after this.

Inhealthcare and City Health Care Partnership

City Health Care Partnership and Inhealthcare tackle COVID19 head on
In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, NHS organisations have quickly had to adapt to new ways of working. City Health Care Partnership (CHCP) and digital health innovator Inhealthcare have worked tirelessly to step up to demand and turn digital services around at neck break speed.

Awards evening 22nd October

Join us live from on 22nd October from 7:00pm for our innovative digital awards evening. We will run through the entries and announce the winners.